By David Bollier. Republished from For too long, discussions about how blockchain software could change the world have been dominated by libertarian-minded techies and market-driven startups. No wonder they are dazzled by Bitcoin, the currency for...
You Say Decentralized, I Say Potato: The DisCO Manifesto is live and ready to download
What are DisCOs and why do we need them? DisCO stands for Distributed Cooperative Organization, a way for people to work and create value together that's cooperative, creates commons and is based on feminist economic principles....
If I Can’t Dance… A Foreword to the DisCO Manifesto
By Ruth Catlow. Extracted from the DisCO Manifesto. The DisCO manifesto induces a song in the heart and a skip in the step to those who, like me, yearn to see varied collectives of self-organised people empowered through more distributed forms of governance. The...
Value Sovereignty, Care Work, and Commons: a review of the DisCO Manifesto
Kevin Carson. Originally published by the Center for a Stateless Society Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel. If I Only Had a Heart: A DisCO Manifesto. Value Sovereignty, Care Work, Commons and Distributed Cooperative Organizations (Guerrilla Media Collective: 2019)...
Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life: A brief introduction to DisCOs
By Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel Have you ever gone out dancing with a bunch of friends? If so, chances are you went to a disco, at least once or twice. How does a group of friends dance at a disco? Everyone knows, or learns by observation, some basic...
Rage Against the Machine and Science Friction: a video introduction to DisCOs
DisCO is a project I've been working on with my colleagues in Guerrilla Translation for the better part of a year. It all started with our 2018 Guerrilla Translation “Punk Elegance” meeting, where we invited specific colleagues to help us re-envision the project....