
Cooperation Jackson

Cooperation Jackson (CJ) is a black solidarity network of cooperatives and worker-owned, democratically self-managed enterprises based in Jackson, Mississippi (USA). Cooperation Jackson is one of the most radical, political cooperative projects in the world, as well as a beacon for radical black cooperativism. It aims to develop a series of independent but connected democratic institutions to empower the workers and residents of Jackson to address the needs of poor, unemployed, Black and Latino residents.

This network will consist of four interconnected, interdependent institutions: a federation of local worker cooperatives; a cooperative incubator; a cooperative education and training center (the Kuwasi Balagoon Center for Economic Democracy and Development); and a cooperative bank or financial institution.

Cooperation Jackson believes that we can replace the current socio-economic system of exploitation, exclusion and the destruction of the environment with a proven democratic alternative. An alternative built on equity, cooperation, worker democracy, and environmental sustainability to provide meaningful living wage jobs, reduce racial inequities, and build community wealth.