by | Nov 6, 2023 | Articles, DisCO News
Welcome to the new DisCO Website! Here to accompany you through the Burning 20’s and beyond. When we launched the DisCO Manifesto back in the autumn of 2019 we needed an online space to share it and give some context. We had already secured the domain...
by Irene Lopez de Vallejo | Nov 7, 2022 | Articles, Events
Regens Unite, a DisCOnaut reports from the front line of regenerative action. Regens Unite events are an invitation, a call to spend days and nights devoted to bringing communities and individuals together to share and learn from one another. Regens Unite is also a...
by | Sep 8, 2022 | Interviews
The following interview was conducted by NKC Productions and transcribed by Anjali Prashar-Savoie for inclusion in Radical Spreadsheets, a zine curated by Sodaa Club, the first DisCO disco (yes, you read that right). It is available now published by Moon Press. A...