“People are aware that they cannot continue in the same old way but are immobilized because they cannot imagine an alternative. . . . We need a vision that recognizes that we are at one of the great turning points in human history when the survival of our planet and...
DisCO Beats, DisCO Tech, DisCO CATs in Space
What does Anticapitalist, Decolonial and Intersectional Feminist Tech look like? Are you in San Francisco or Oakland on Monday June 26th? Join us for a journey into sound, a journey which, along the way, will bring you new color, new dimension, new value. Pump up the...
Dancing on Moss – DisCO Underground Regenerative Economix
This is the story of the collective experience shared by a number of self-organised groups based around Berlin during the workshop Dancing on Moss: DisCO underground regenerative economix, celebrated at Moos Space in January 2023. The DisCO team, Sari Escribano, Ela...
DisCOmposting: from rotten systems to regenerative imagination
Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk as sun is to moon. Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk as day is to night. Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk as science and technology are to occult and spirituality. Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk as solar panels are to bioluminescence. Solarpunk is to Lunarpunk...
Decentralised Governance: either a collective learning journey or no journey at all!
As part of the Regens Unite Conference (September 16-17, 2022) in Berlin, Ela Kagel (SUPERMARKT Berlin & Platform Cooperatives Germany) and Irene Lopez de Vallejo (DisCO.Coop), offered a workshop on decentralised governance to the Regens community. The main...
DisCO Mothership Landing at the 6th Envisioning Free Space Conference
It’s the year 2022, the day is November 26th, the time 15.00 to 19.30. The DisCO Mothership is landing in Amsterdam with satellites co-orbiting a shared center of gravity... Join DisCO.coop, SODAA, and Space of Urgency for a day of collective imagining, co-design, and...
Not about me; all about “we”
Regens Unite, a DisCOnaut reports from the front line of regenerative action. Regens Unite events are an invitation, a call to spend days and nights devoted to bringing communities and individuals together to share and learn from one another. Regens Unite is also a...
DisCO news! Event in London & Radical Friends book launch!
“It is in collectivities that we find reservoirs of hope and optimism." Angela Y. Davis DisCO CAT here! Yes, I know you thought I ran away, but I was at the neighbour’s house for the winter (they have a fireplace!) I’ll have tales to tell, but there’s some immediate...
Get DisCO! Ann Marie Utratel and Stacco Troncoso at the Metagov Seminar
The Metagovernance Seminar invites individuals working in online governance to present their work to a community of other researchers and practitioners. Topics of the seminar include, but are not limited to, computational tools for governance, governance incidents and...
DisCO at Platform Coops NOW!
The Platform Coops NOW! course, now on its second edition, is a hands on program mixing theory and practice to introduce people to Platform Cooperativism. DisCOs are a very specific and future-minded iteration of Platform Coops so, for the second year running, we were...